The perfect beginning to the New Year, 2002.
Friends, a BRORA Yurt and Skis!
Backcountry enthusiasts celebrate the 2002 New Year in style at the BRORA Lily Lake yurt.
Steveann, Curtis, Tina, Tim, Carrie, & Tim

Survived the 31st!  Not like we partied our bindings off or something.  We greeted the morning tree filtered sun with a snap snap of the boots.  The New Year began with a fresh 3" blanket of very fine powder. Let's Ski !

Today's jaunt was led by the trip trail miester Curtis.  We Left our warm yurt to venture out toward Lily Lake and begin the climb.  The main activity  today would take us on an out and back on the high trail, Deadman Traverse.  I considered my strength and fun meter - we took off. 

Seemed like we climbed all morning.  Gradual, though fun, with Steveann pushing me from behind on some of the ascents.  We were rewarded with a pleasant break in the clouds and a sunny lunch stop.  A little more skiing, now descent, and a beautiful overlook south and west toward the West edge of the Uinta Mountains.  After a short fast descent and climb back up - it was time to lug it back to the base camp.  A rather fast and fun series of descents was our return reward for the morning sweat.

Tim, Tina and Max Brown returned to the yurt to pack and prepare to leave that afternoon.  The rest of us went and attempted a few tele-turns on a nearby hillside.  Shaded to the northeast a good pitch was found at the bottom of Deadman Traverse near the "Y" marker.  Carrie found phone reception on top and called Mom and Dad in CA.

Wish the Brown family could have stayed another day.

Just when things get going smoothly.... you find out the propane tank is going low.  A problem?  Not really. Only this summer was the propane system installed. Pre-propane was wood anyhow - so just flip the master switch to cellulose.  We had an auxiliary tank, but - no wrench to switch with.

The dogs were a little in reserve this morning.  The trail in yesterday was all new and fun to them.  Bounding into the woods and running along side on trail.  By days' end dogs were dogs and all they could do was eat and crash on the couch. 

Exhaustion took its toll on the skiers also.  A hearty meal and conversation of great ski days and trips of past faded past my ears as I sank into the light of my headlamp on the pages of yet another book I'm enjoying.

Perfect Snow,
Fast Downhill Trail Home,
Long Ski Day,
Phone Call to California
Lasagna Dinner
Top Bunk Sauna

Gasping for air at 9,500'
T Paper Rationing 
Propane Pain
Dog Snoring

DAY 2 : Jan. 1, 2002
Carrie surveys the trail ahead
Hey Babe, .... carry me back?
Tim and Tina going strong
Hello Mom,... Guess Where I'm At !

is that fondue or ......? in my cup?
Yurt Home  DAY 1  DAY 3   DAY 4

Another Y22Tim Adventure !